"- I wanted to do a shoot that depicted a lonely side of having a baby and being a housewife- being stuck in the house while the husband is at work. I thought it would enhance the concept if it took place in the late 60's/early 70's since housewives were more prevalent," says Tamar Levine, the Los Angeles based photographer who's just shot this conceptually striking story in collaboration with Topsy Design. She continues: "- I also thought it would enhance the concept if it was shot a bit voyeuristically- with zoom lenses, through screens, etc, like someone is spying on this woman. I always like having a bit of humor as well so in came the Jell-O mold."
Tamar has shot for clients such as Reebok, Nine Inch Nails, Nylon, Chaos and ABC, and is now making her debut on Ben Trovato with the exclusive Little Boxes. Joy Bishop and her daughter Hazel are models, while Lexi Swain did the hair and make up, and renowned Topsy Design did the props and styling. "- Topsy and I really just played off each others' ideas very well. Once we had the initial concept down, the rest was really just going back and forth with ideas until we had a solid story. They brought in some amazing clothing and props, and we had an equally amazing location which provided some awesome materials to work with. Although a lot of my planning occurs before the shoot, I love the spontaneous moments that happen on set so I try not to only stick with the ideas I come in with. Having Sam and Jared there was great because they are so creative and I love working with people I can bounce ideas off of. It was a very collaborative shoot" says Tamar.
Topsy Design consists of Jared Frank and Samantha Jacober, who moved to Los Angeles from Brooklyn in 2009 and started Topsy Design, a multidisciplinary creative company. Under the Topsy banner they have prop and wardrobe styled editorial fashion shoots, production designed and costumed films and music videos, and interior decorated houses.
They are probably best known for their online vintage store, which garnered a lot of notice when it opened last year. GQ raved about the “carefully curated line with an eye for weathered simplicity.” BlackBook lauded the "eco-conscious...timeless styles” and Apartment Therapy dug the “elusive blend...a mad topsy-turvy mix.”
We are proud the present to you the wonderful Little Boxes, by Tamar Levine, for Ben Trovato:
Photography - Tamar Levine
Prop and Wardrobe Styling - Topsy Design
Hair and Make up - Lexi Swain
Models - Joy Bishop and her daughter Hazel
Full story inside the post.