Eva Maierhofer and Ulrich Wolf joined forces and started the duo MAIWOLF back in 2007, after having worked together on projects where Ulrich was an Art Director for one of Eva's commercial clients. And within the four years they have collaborated, MAIWOLF has already worked up a quite impressive client list, including Maxim, Adobe, Dell, Sony Ericsson and many more. Now they're ready to make their debut on Ben Trovato with their first exclusive story for us. Lucy In The Sky is a beautiful and soft story featuring the stunning model Gesche with Promod Model Agency, who was styled by Alexander Huber, and with hair and make up was done by Alexandra Maria Waldher.
Ulrich and Eva says this about the story: "- We had the Beatles song "Lucy in the sky with diamonds" in the back of our heads while thinking about this project, particularly the line "climb in the back with your head in the clouds - and you're gone". We know about the drug-related interpretation of the song title, but to us the whole mood of the song has something rather pleasently innocent. So we wanted to put our model up in the sky, not up in heaven or up and away in some hippie-flavoured colour schemes. We wanted to do something very lightweight, floating and flooded with light, almost spherical."
The Munich based duo points out music, travel, movies and everyday situations as their main sources of inspiration, and adds: "- And we both read a lot. We try to open our minds to different approaches and styles, and we want to keep experimenting and be diverse in the images we create. It's a continuous process that always stays interesting!"
Ben Trovato is excited to present Lucy In The Sky by MAIWOLF, for Ben Trovato:
Concept, Photography & Set Design - MAIWOLF (maiwolf.com)
Styling - Alexander Huber @ Fame (fameagency.com)
Hair & Make up - Alexandra Maria Waldher @ Tune using Chanel (tune-artists.com)
Model - Gesche @ PMA (pmamodels.com)
Special Thanks to mytheresa.com & alida-hutdesign.de
Full story inside the post.