Back when the calendar read February the beautiful people over at the file transfer service WeTransfer in Amsterdam launched a new editorial project. Much like a magazine they are in search of new brands, magazines, and artists of all kind to showcase and promote through their background wallpapers.
"We want to support the people who got the skills and talent. And if we can get such nice wallpapers and help them in the same time, why wouldn't we do this?" Fatma Genç at WeTransfer tells us.
Being much aligned with the philosophy of Ben Trovato we were delighted when WeTransfer contacted us for a collaboration. The first Ben Trovato wallpaper that will be seen by millions is a photo taken from Nahoko Spiess and Maxime Gé's wonderful story Hold Your Breath, published on Ben Trovato in March. As many others featured on Ben Trovato the two up and coming Paris based artists both live and breath for their art, working hard to make a living off of their craft.
A great choice by WeTranser's editorial team, that will be working with Ben Trovato ahead to find more candidates for their wallpapers.
And just to show of what proportion the collaboration is: In February they featured Fabian Ciraolo's illustration of Salvador Dali. It aired 23,500,000 times worldwide, ensuring the arising illustrator many new opportunities.