Ronny Danielsen's first memory of photography was when he broke his dad's Rolleiflex at the age of 12. Now he's a well respected photographer based out of Trondheim (Norway), having done work for Dior, Tique, Carne, Sony BMG, Warner Music and many more. When I asked him about his inspirations, he says he normally finds it in other people: "- My obsession is definitely taking pictures of people. In these last years that path has taken me down the fashion and music photography lane.
And I've always found inspiration in the works of big photographers such as Richard Avedon, Annie Liebowitz and Anton Corbijn. But my everyday inspiration comes when I least expect it. It can be from the smallest things, a scent of a woman, a word in a conversation, a look, a DJ spinning a good record... It could be everywhere. But I never rush it, I`ll wait til it finally finds me. If it doesn't, it wasn't meant to be."
Travelling is also one of Ronny's passions, and being half Spanish he travels to Barcelona twice a year filling up his stack of editorial inspiration: "- I just cant help it, I always end up using a small fortune buying fashion magazines and books of photography while roaming the streets looking at arcitecture at its best. I always find myself at a local corner book store hidden with inspiring treasures."
Right now Ronny has a lot of good stuff in the pipeline, where a project with a Norwegian popstar called Malin is the first one coming up.
Here's some of his work:
More pictures inside the post.